We are a truly global community with over 53 different countries represented among our players.Ī vibrant and active community that is proud to call WoW-Mania home. Meet up with old friends or make new ones. Gift + (Old Eternion-wow with a lot of changes.) Steal health with attack for all classes. Our team is made of dedicated and passionate individuals who professionally create and maintain every single aspect of the game.Ĭome join us and relive the glory days of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Fun free world of warcraft server 3.3.5a Haste Server, +10000 Item & Bosses. WoW-Mania is run by professional developers and technicians to ensure the best all-around gaming experience.
We are the most stable and bug-free wotlk private server in the world today, with custom content and a top of the line hardware. Vertical scroll bars now appear in the 'Chatting with a GM' window. No hype, just the plain good old World of Warcraft fun you grew to love. WoW can now be launched on machines with Windows XP SP3. We may not be the biggest but we are certainly the best in quality and the service we offer to our players.
While this may be news to some of you we have been providing a high-quality and high-availability World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King server for over 6 years now. A list of working and tested addons for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3. There has been a lot of talk and hype about some legacy wow servers lately.